Your financial ambitions are ours too

Everyone has (financial) ambitions in life, and we’re convinced that everyone can realise them. By making investing easier and making your money work, we make it easier for you to build wealth for your future.


Our story

Everyone can invest

If you ask people on a shopping street whether they are investing, most of them will answer “no”. "Too complicated" or "you need a lot of money for that." We think that's a shame because everyone can benefit financially if they invest money. We want to prove that.

Big growth with small change

In 2017, we launched the Peaks app which has made investing easy and understandable for more people than just traditional investors. We became known as the first European investing app that made it possible to invest your small change. Hence, the name "Peaks"; from the old Dutch piekenpijp, in which people used to keep their change.

For every phase in your life

Since then, we have continued to expand our app so that Peaks is now suitable for every phase of life. Whether you're earning more (or less) or want to set aside something for your retirement, Peaks moves and grows with you. This is how we ensure that your money keeps working, no matter what you do yourself.

“The most important step is to start investing, preferably as early as possible in your life, so that you have maximum time to grow your money.”

Tom Arends, CEO and co-founder Peaks

Tom Arends

CEO & Founder

Jeroen Mulder


Daniëlle Velthorst

Head of Risk & Compliance 

Jasmin Runkehl

Risk & Compliance Officer

Jettie Fokkens

Finance & Office Manager

Rosanne Koppert


Yetkin Girgin

CRM Marketeer

YoonKyung Choi

UI/UX Designer

Christian Hendy

UI/UX Designer

Guillaume Simonneau

Chief Technology Officer

Tjerk Muller

Product Lead

Manuel Vester

Product Manager 

Kate Kovalova

Software Engineer

Miguel Semedo

Software Engineer

Ozgur Erdem Cinar

Software Engineer 

Fahimeh Fathian

Software Engineer 

Iroegbu Iroegbu

Software Engineer

Denys Denysov

Software Engineer

Andrei Marcu

Software Engineer

Morgan Koh

Software Engineer

Aref Hosseini

Software Engineer

Srujan Dharmaraj

Software Engineer

Jannika Lehmann

Customer Care Agent

Luuk Kapteijn

Customer Care Agent

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